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On-dit with the Bluestockingbard.


Welcome to the 1820s...a Regency lovers blog.


I'm Claire, a forty-something Regency-era enthusiast and writer living in Surrey, England. Here I will share with you many of the things I love and loathe about this popular period in British history,

For those of you who have found my blog via my books, here you will find more general information about the era and locality within which my books are set and some snapshots of my current research for my work-in-progress. This typically includes interesting finds in other books, libraries, and archives, as well as visits to places which appear in my books.

For those of you who have found me via my blog, I hope you will take the time to check out my books, whilst you are here. Diary of an Obstinate, Headstrong Female is a fiction series set in the 1820s, following an unconventional heroine in a Bildungsroman-style adventure. Encompassing LGBT themes and breaking many of the rules of conventional Regency Romance, this is not your typical Regency series.

Sticklers, purists and prigs have been warned!

The purpose of this blog is two-fold: to give me somewhere to share the many great finds I discover in my writing research, some of which inform my work and others which never make it into my books(but are just as worthy), and to connect on a more personal level with others who appreciate the rich and fascinating history of this era.

I know as a writer, Regency blogs have been a fabulous resource for me to refer to in the past, The Regency Redingote (sadly retired) run by Katherine Kane, being a favourite over the years.

Whilst I won't claim to equal Katherine's fantastic work or devotion to The Regency Redingote, in the spirit of paying it forward, I hope other writers and enthusiasts might find something to enjoy in my humbler offering.

The Regency era.

c. 1795 – 1837.

Officially refers to a period in British history when the Prince Regent was appointed to rule during 1811-1820 in place of his father, King George III (1738-1820), who was deemed unable to continue ruling due to his declining mental health.

The Prince Regent succeeded his father to King upon his death in 1820, reigning for a further decade as King George IV (1820-1830) when his younger brother William IV succeeded him for a further seven years, until his niece Victoria, succeeded him.

More commonly though, the Regency refers to an extended period (c. 1795 – 1837) which sits between the Georgian era and Victorian era. It is this definition I shall be using and remains the focus of my work. - That said, I am partial to the periphery too, so don't be surprised to stumble upon something Georgian or Victorian once in a while, should it take my fancy.

Plans for this blog.

At this stage in its infancy, it's difficult to predict exactly how this will flow. - In line with my creative fluctuations, hopefully.

But here are some things I expect to cover and you may find here:

  • Regency ramblings of one kind or another

  • Short articles and historical tidbits

  • Books I have enjoyed (mainly, though not strictly, set during this period).

  • LGBT history

  • Women's History

  • Oddities and curious details I discover which capture my interest.

  • Pictures and videos of places I visit on my Regency research travels - sometimes to National Trust Properties or similar stately buildings, or to archives/museums or cities like London, Bath or Venice, all of which feature in my books.

  • Writing stuff

  • Additional information on characters, backstory, and setting from my books.

This is not my primary occupation and so I cannot say how often I will find time to post here when my priority is fiction writing. However, I hope to check in whenever I have something worth sharing, insofar as time permits.

As things develop in whichever direction they so decide, I may revisit this introduction with a more exacting and navigatable signpost, but for now, let's see where we end up.

I hope you enjoy my blog!


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