Diary of an Obstinate,
entêté femme.
Vol. 1 : Bisous à la vanille
Une saison décalée.
Une débutante irrégulière.
Liaisons dangereuses d'un genre peu commun.
- Une série.
Nous sommes en 1821 et les débuts étincelants d'Eleanor Ashlyn sont enfin arrivés. Elle s'est entraînée pour ce moment toute sa vie et on s'attend à ce qu'elle fasse un excellent match, car elle est une beauté renommée et a été bien éduquée par les meilleurs tuteurs et maîtres. Mais ce n'est pas la traîne de sa robe de présentation, ni ses pas de danse qui la font trébucher et mettent ses perspectives d'avenir et sa réputation en jeu...
Il n'y avait eu aucun apprentissage pour la préparer à se mêler aux classes montantes, ou pour interpréter l'étrange danse de Mariella dans l'orangerie et comment cela la détruirait, l'éveillerait à des parties d'elle-même dont elle ignorait l'existence. Comment cela enlèverait l'éclat des offres de la saison et mènerait à bien plus qu'elle n'aurait jamais pu négocier.
Est-ce que le moment attendu qui devrait prouver qu'elle est en train de faire, la fera tomber en disgrâce ?
Loin de ce qu'elle imaginait possible, cela s'avère n'être pas une saison ordinaire, mais ensuite, Eleanor n'est pas une débutante ordinaire.
Une histoire d'innocence, d'éveil, de tromperie et de scandale.
Le premier volume d'une série de contes subversifs sur la vie d'une femme obstinée et têtue.
Vol. 2: Appetence.
.A failed marriage.
A longing for escape.
An unexpected romance.
With her girlish days of blind innocence behind her and her fall from grace complete, Eleanor finds herself more than just physically bruised, as she attempts to battle through her darkest days in the aftermath of an unprecedented season.
Traumatised, friendless and alone, there seems little left to live for and even less to find meaningful occupation in as she vows never to return to her husband after his vile treatment of her.
Far from being where she expected to be by now; prettily situated and much at her own leisure in a marriage of comfortable convenience, Eleanor’s future has never been more uncertain.
Taking refuge at Cuddington might keep her safe from his attempts to reclaim her, but shunned from society, dropped by her friends and sinking her family into ever deeper depths of disappointment with her failures, it is a bitter sweet refuge that soon has her longing for escape.
Just when all seems lost and bleak, something unexpected begins to emerge from a most unlikely quarter and reminds Eleanor that life is still worth living, love is not dead and not all new acquaintances are worthy of mistrust.
Will this emerging new relationship help to restore all that was set asunder and show her what it really means to find friendship, trust and love?
A cosy country Christmastide.
An ill-timed quest to expose injustice.
A determined pursuit that sets everything asunder.
When Eleanor and Annalise arrive at Stapleford Hall and begin to acclimatise to the slow rhythms of a secluded country life, they expect the remaining months of Eleanor’s confinement to continue as uneventfully as they began.
But then a Christmas outing sets them on an unexpected mission to seek justice for the women of Cambridgeshire who are subject to the tyranny of the University Proctors and the questionable practice of confining them to The Spinning House without reasonable cause or a fair trial.
Their quest to expose this unlawful custom leads them on a path of spontaneous adventure, new acquaintances, and a chance to test their thespian skills and new disguises.
It would be risky business in any event, but with Eleanor lying low and Giles expanding his countrywide search for her, the timing might have been better.
As the Midwinter winds set over the frost-bitten Fens, unforeseen danger begins to crystallise in the powdery snow trails of their perilous footprints.
Vol 3: Midwinter.
Tome 4 : Cicisbéo.
An agonising separation.
A hard-won escape plan.
Unforeseen complications.
Eleanor finds herself on a ship headed to Venice with the last person in the
world she would consent to go with.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. She should be living out her confinement in the privacy of Stapleford, and comforting arms of her lover, Annalise.
But Annalise has abandoned her at the last, and though she can scarce believe it, she has a goodbye letter in Annalise’s hand setting out the reasons she could not go with her.
How will she survive without her? Powerless and totally at the mercy of the man she loathes and who is determined to mould her into the dutiful compliant wife she has, so far, failed to be.
When they arrive in Venice to the household of Giles's uncle, Eleanor is utterly bereft. All that mattered is lost to her now. All that remains to her is perdition. She has no money, no friends to seek assistance from and no one even knows where she is.
It seems as if there is no way out and she must somehow learn to endure this new existence, but allies, most unlikely, surface and help to rekindle her fighting spirit. Though the path is neither easy nor certain, once resurrected, the possibility of escape is enough to sustain her determination to achieve it, at any cost, by any means...
However, just as the way appears, she is caught in a new conundrum that was never part of the plan and derails her intended return to England.
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CC Brûlures
Auteur de fiction historique
© 2022 Claire Brûle
Crédit à : cotonbropour les images de stock, avec nos remerciements.
À propos de.
CC Burns est un écrivain de fiction historique.
Claire est née et a grandi à Londres. Elle est diplômée d'un BSc (Hons) en sciences sociales de l'OU et d'une maîtrise en écriture créative de Royal Holloway. Elle vit maintenant à Surrey avec sa famille où elle réalise son rêve de toujours d'écrire à plein temps.